25 July 2015

New Title New Direction

New blog title. New direction.

I'm very excited. I'm going house hunting this weekend. I wasn't sure I'd be able to buy one until after the first of the year, but I've gotten my pre-approval letter for my mortgage (very important first step) so I know how much I can spend. Hopefully I'll be able to find an almost dream house. I am not expecting to find a turn key situation (one that doesn't need any renovations). I'm good at recognizing potential, and as long as there aren't any serious infrastructure issues I'm good.

Anyway, I'm going to share my befores and afters here and the journey to get there. Hopefully I'll be more successful than I've been with my efforts to share my crocheting.

I'll let you know how the hunting goes!

30 November 2014

A Good Day

Today I adopted a dog from the shelter. It wasn't anything I planned to do today. My family and I were out and about, having brunch, then bought a Christmas tree (which still needs to be decorated). We stopped at Sonic for drinks when my daughter in law spied a sign about a county shelter adoption day, so we drove around until we found it. The little guy was the only dog left and that helped make my decision. He came into the shelter and they named him Doxy because he's a dachshund mix. We changed his name to Homer. He was responding to it almost immediately. Our kitten isn't too keen with our newest family member, but Homer is just a delight to have around. He's very sweet and well behaved. Already potty trained. I'm hoping he'll get less reticent about chewing on his rawhide treats. So far he's ignored them. I am so blessed to have found this little guy. I'll post a picture as soon as I can.

27 May 2013

Another Excuse

I've been having trouble with carpal tunnel syndrome in my dominant hand, so I haven't been doing much of anything extra outside of work, where I sit in front of a computer for most of the day. Which only partially explains my lengthy absence from blogging. I'm not great at it anyway.

I want to take this time to ask you to remember all who have served in the military today, and especially those who have died to preserve our freedom and to secure freedom for others.

02 March 2013


I so admire those bloggers who determine to do something, a challenge if you will, and actually manage to carry it through. I didn't even make it through the first month.

It seems that life just gets in the way of what I want to do. I am working on two baby blankets now. Thankfully one just requires some finishing touches, but the other has barely been started. I'm not sure that I am even going to use the pattern I've picked out, but the colors are definitely in.

I love the blues and greens of a male peacock, so those are the colors I'm using. I've completed one using these colors and love the results. The recipient loves it, too. Actually wants to keep it for herself rather than let the baby use it when he comes. This is the pattern I used, but each color change was green or blue or a multi-hued yarn with those colors in it.

I have been crocheting hearts, though, lots and lots of hearts. Unfortunately my camera is not charged right now (shame on me), but I promise to post some pictures of at least some of the hearts.

And I am dealing with another upper respiratory issue again. I literally had just gotten rid of the cough I've had since pneumonia struck. Thankfully no infections, though, and I'm already starting to feel better. 

26 January 2013

Rough Week

This past week was a rough one. I traveled to Pensacola with co-workers to the funeral of one of our own. Debra Fuller passed away on January 15th, and was laid to rest on the 23d. She was a wonderful, loving, giving friend. She missed the birth of her third grandchild, Michael, who arrived on the 19th. He's a beautiful little boy with a lot of light brown hair and big blue eyes.

When Deb was diagnosed with cancer, less than six months ago, I refused to believe that she would not beat it and would return to work. It took awhile to sink in because even after the funeral I was convinced she was playing a trick on us. But it hit me today that she won't be coming back.

I take comfort in knowing that she was surrounded by those she loved most in the world when she left this earthly existence. And knowing that if I can live my life right I will see her once again.

Rest In Peace dear friend.

18 January 2013

Another Loss

This has been a rough month so far. My friend and supervisor passed away from cancer on the 15th. She was a few years younger than me, and it's made me feel so . . . mortal I guess is the right word.

I've been crocheting on the baby blanket I'm making for another coworker. Her son was born last month, but she knew it would take me awhile to finish. I should be done (about 3/4 of the way done now) by the time she returns to work next month.

I have also been asked to test a pattern, which I am doing. I'm kind of excited about it. I hope that I can eventually share it with you. At least show you my efforts and point you to the site where you can purchase a copy for yourself. It's a very summery project, which was great because we had been having wonderfully warm (low 80s) temps. Today that all changed, and the high was about 57. This is not why I moved south!

I haven't worked much on the January 12 Months of Christmas project. I have almost completed one light, which may be all that I manage right now. I did manage to collect yarn for the colors the pattern used, although I used DK rather than WW cotton.

Well, I just wanted to check in and let you know that I haven't forgotten you.

12 January 2013

Sad Day

My dear precious dog, Cocoa, passed away early this morning. My heart is breaking. She's been my protector and companion for 12 years. When my sister died she dried my tears with her sweet kisses. She was the alarm when something sounded wrong. She was my exercise partner encouraging me to walk a little further so she could smell that next blade of grass. Her wonderful quirks gave me so many moments of laughter I can't even count them. She will always be missed and hold a special place in my heart forever.

Rest in peace precious one.